A minimum booking of 4 hours per week is required to qualify for regular rental pricing.
All rooms are available 15 mins prior to and 15 mins after your session, to enable you, to set up the room before and clear away after treatments.
Payments for your weekly sessions are due in advance for the whole calendar month. To be paid by the first day your session commences within that calendar month.
- A page on Satori web site to explain your Therapy.
- A page on Satori web site for your Personal Profile.
- Your special offers shown on the web site (changed monthly).
- Your Therapy advertised on the Monitor within the reception area at Satori. Including any current offers (changed monthly).
- Reception cover between 10am and 4pm Tuesday – Friday, to take any enquires, appointments or meet and greet your clients.
- The choice of having your details and your therapy included in any joint marketing material that the regular therapists at Satori choose to do.
- You have the option to add additional time to your weekly session (i.e. ‘ad hoc’) as required, at the rate of only £7 per hour.
- Your personal literature will be kept at reception and handed to any potential clients.
- You will be given storage space to keep your work equipment in the cupboards.
- Your clients can have use of the Card Payment Machine, if they choose to pay by this method (Please ask for more details as a small charge will be inccurred by you).
- You also have 'our word' that if you commit to a weekly session at Satori Complementary Therapy Centre, then you will have exclusivity for your therapy for that session.