If the commitment of regular rental is not for you, the chance to ‘ad hoc’ on an hourly basis is available.
Payable at the time of booking (by Cash or Card Payment). Please be aware that any Cancellation with less than 24 hrs notice, then payment will be non-refundable.
All rooms are available 15 mins prior to and 15 mins after your session, to enable you, to set up the room before and clear away after treatments. The following prices and benefits are yours:
- We will provide a page on the Satori web site to explain “your therapy” (if not already covered).
- “Your therapy” advertised on the Monitor within the reception area at Satori.
- Reception cover between 10am and 4pm Tuesday – Friday, to take any enquires, appointments or meet and greet your clients.
- You will be given the option for “your therapy” to be included in any joint marketing material that the regular therapists at Satori choose to do.