Acupuncture & Cosmetic Acupuncture
Many people come to acupuncture for help with specific symptoms or to relieve specific pains like osteoarthritis of the knee. Some use acupuncture because they feel generally unwell but have no obvious diagnosis. Others choose acupuncture simply to enhance their feeling of wellbeing. Acupuncture can be used effectively alongside conventional medicines and is considered suitable for all ages, including babies and children.
Treatment is aimed at the root of your condition, as well as your more obvious symptoms. Although the list is non-exhaustive, this holistic approach can lead to relief from conditions such as muscular-skeletal pain, emotional difficulties, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems and gynecological conditions.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. So, anyone concerned with looking and feeling younger can benefit by combating the signs of aging. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is suitable for those with deep wrinkles, fine lines, bags under the eyes, sagging, puffiness, drooping eyelids, double chin, large pores, dry skin or acne.
As with both types of acupuncture, it is common that more than one treatment may be required in order to gain the full benefit. An initial consultation will enable your therapist to advise you and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
Initial consultation and treatment plan are both included within the cost of your first treatment (Please allow 90 mins for this appointment and wear loose comfortable clothing).
50 mins – £ 40